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About Me

Hi! I am a researcher and software engineer in the field of real-time operating systems and cyber-physical systems. I’m the CTO and co-founder of Minerva Systems and I’m affiliated with the Chair of Cyber Physical Systems in Production Engineering at TUM.

I am interested in operating system design, predictability and real-time research, complex hardware and software systems, and their co-design.

Currently, I develop technologies to improve predictability of the memory hierarchy of complex heterogeneous system-on-chip, and their industrial integration into operating system and hypervisors.

As software architect of the PikeOS hypervisor, I’ve also gained considerable experience in designing predictable OS for Certifiable Systems (especially for Avionics and Railways).

I hold a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering with a thesis focusing on applying multicore real-time scheduling in practice.


CTO and Co-Founder

Minerva Systems SRL

2021 - Present

Minerva develops Tools and Operating System solutions to enable performance and safety in AI-ready embedded applications.

Research Fellow


2020 - Present

At TUM, I’m researching on certifiable hypervisors and solutions to bring together high-performance and real-time predictability on next generation heterogeneous platforms.

PikeOS Software Architect


2012 - 2020

As a Software Engineer first and Software Architect later, I have been leading SYSGO’s development of the PikeOS microkernel according to both the product roadmap as well as safety (DO-178C, IEC 61508, EN 50128) and security (Common Criteria) standards.

Software Engineer

MBDA Italy

2010 - 2012

I was part of the initial development and certification process of the FINX.X-RTOS Linux distribution, which has been successfully deemed DO-178B level D compliant, and evaluated at CC EAL4+.

Visiting Researcher

UNC Real-Time Systems Group

2009 - 2010

As part of Jim Anderson’s Group at UNC, I studied the effectiveness of multicore real-time scheduling policies when implemented on real-world operating systems, and I contributed to the development of LITMUS^RT, the real-time Linux extension that I used as testbed.

Software Engineer R&D

MBDA Italy

2007 - 2009

During my Ph.D., I collaborated as software engineer with MBDA Italy working at the precursor of FIN.X-RTOS.

Ph.D. Computer Engineering

University of Rome Tor Vergata

2007 - 2011

In addition to the research leading to my dissertation “Towards the Integration of Theory and Practice in Multiprocessor Real-Time Scheduling” (Advisors: Marco Cesati, James H. Anderson), I also worked on virtualization technologies and high-performance computing.


D. Hoornaert, G. Ghaemi, A. Bastoni, R. Mancuso, M. Caccamo, G. Corradi, "Mcti: mixed-criticality task-based isolation", Real-Time Systems (2024). [ RTS ]

T. Betz, L. Wen, F. Pan, G. Kaljavesi, A. Zuepke, A. Bastoni, M. Caccamo, A. Knoll, J. Betz, "A Containerized Microservice Architecture for a ROS 2 Autonomous Driving Software: An End-to-End Latency Evaluation", Proc. of the 30th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2024). [ PDF ]

A. Zuepke, A. Bastoni, W. Chen, M. Caccamo, R. Mancuso, "MemPol: polling-based microsecond-scale per-core memory bandwidth regulation", Real-Time Systems (2024). [ RTS | Pre-Print ]

B. Sun, M. Theile, Z. Qin, D. Bernardini, D. Roy, A. Bastoni, M. Caccamo, "Edge Generation Scheduling for DAG Tasks using Deep Reinforcement Learning", IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 73, no. 4, pp. 1034-1047, April 2024. [ IEEE | Arxiv Version ]

B. Sun, D. Roy, T. Kloda, A. Bastoni, R. Pellizzoni, M. Caccamo, "Co-Optimizing Cache Partitioning and Multi-Core Task Scheduling: Exploit Cache Sensitivity or Not?", Proc. of the 44th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2023), Dec 2023. [ IEEE | Arxiv Version ]

H. Abaza, A. Habishyashi, D. Roy, A. Bastoni, Z. AH Hammadeh, S. Fan, S. Saidi, S. Tverdyshev, "RDMA-Based Deterministic Communication Architecture for Autonomous Driving", Proc. of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2023). [ PDF ]

A. Misuraca, A. Bastoni, "Arm MUCH: Full-spectrum hardware-event-based Armv8 application profiler", Proc. of the 17th Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications (OSPERT 2023). [ PDF ]

A. Zuepke, A. Bastoni, W. Chen, M. Caccamo, R. Mancuso, "MemPol: Policing Core Memory Bandwidth from Outside of the Cores", Proc of the 29th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2023). [ PDF ]

M. Nicolella, D. Hoornaert, S. Roozkhosh, A. Bastoni, R. Mancuso, "Know your Enemy: Benchmarking and Experimenting with Insight as a Goal", Open Demo Session of Real-Time Systems (RTSS@work) 2022 (co-hosted with RTSS 2022), Dec. 2022. [ PDF ]

D. Hoornaert, G. Ghaemi, A. Bastoni, R. Mancuso, M. Caccamo, and G. Corradi, "On the Interplay of Computation and Memory Regulation in Multicore Real-Time Systems", Proc. of the 16th Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications (OSPERT 2022), Jul. 2022. [ PDF ]

M. Nicolella, S. Roozkhosh, D. Hoornaert, A. Bastoni, and R. Mancuso, "RT-Bench: an Extensible Benchmark Framework for the Analysis and Management of Real-Time Applications", Proc. of the 30th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2022). [ Arxiv Version ]

G. Schwäricke, R. Tabish, R. Pellizzoni, R. Mancuso, A. Bastoni, A. Züpke, M. Caccamo, "A Real-Time virtio-based Framework for Predictable Inter-VM Communication", Proc. of the 42nd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2021), Dec. 2021. [ PDF ]

M. Vanga, A. Bastoni, H. Theiling, and B. Brandenburg, "Supporting low-latency, low-criticality tasks in a certified mixed-criticality OS", Proc. of the 25th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2017), Oct. 2017. [ PDF | companion page ]

Burger, K. Müller, O. Hanka, M. Paulitsch, A. Bastoni, H. Theiling, and M. Heinisch, "Implications of Multi-Core Processors on Safety-Critical Operating System Architectures", Proc. of the 8th Int'l Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications (OSPERT 2014), Jul. 2014. [ PDF ]

B. Brandenburg and A. Bastoni, "The Case for Migratory Priority Inheritance in Linux: Bounded Priority Inversions on Multiprocessors", Proc. of the 14th Real-Time Linux Workshop (RTLWS 2012), Oct. 2012. [ PDF ]

A. Bastoni, B. Brandenburg, and J. Anderson, "Is Semi-Partitioned Scheduling Practical?", Proc. of the 23rd Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2011), Jul. 2011. [ PDF | PDF (long version) ]

A. Bastoni, B. Brandenburg, and J. Anderson, "An Empirical Comparison of Global, Partitioned, and Clustered Multiprocessor EDF Schedulers", Proc. of the 31st IEEE Real-Time System Symposium (RTSS 2010), Dec. 2010. [ PDF | PDF (long version) ]

A. Bastoni, B. Brandenburg, and J. Anderson, "Cache-Related Preemption and Migration Delays: Empirical Approximation and Impact on Schedulability", Proc. of the 6th Int'l Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications (OSPERT 2010), Jul. 2010. [ PDF ]

A. Bastoni, P. Boschi, F. Batino, C. Di Biagio, and L. Recchia, "Testing Embedded Systems Software using Open Source Virtual Platforms", Proc. of the IASTED Int'l Conference on Software Engineering (SE 2010), Feb. 2010. [ PDF ]

A. Bastoni, D. Bovet, M. Cesati and P. Palana, "Discovering hypervisor overheads using micro and macrobenchmarks", Workshop on Computer Architecture and Operating System co-design (CAOS 2010), hosted at HiPEAC 2010, Jan. 2010. [ PDF ]

Conference and Workshop Involvement

Program Committee member:  ETFA 2024 (T3) RTAS 2024 DATE 2024 (E2) ECRTS 2022 RTCSA 2021 EMSOFT 2021 WiP ECRTS 2020 ECRTS 2019 RTAS 2018 ECRTS 2018 OSPERT 2018 RTAS 2017 ECRTS 2017 OSPERT 2017 OSPERT 2016 RTAS 2015 OSPERT 2014

Chair:  ECRTS 2024 Industrial Challenge ECRTS 2023 Industrial Challenge ECRTS 2019 WiP and J2C sessions OSPERT 2013 OSPERT 2012

Invited speaker:  WSOS 2019 OSPERT 2011

Reviewer:  RTSS 2020, ECRTS 2015, RTCSA 2014, RTCSA 2012, EMSOFT 2012, RTAS 2012, Usenix ATC 2012, RTCSA 2011, OSPERT 2011, RTAS 2011